Welcome Bolt's Newest Employee!
Hi Guys!
It has been an exciting month here at Bolt! I am praising the Lord for all the new growth and positive changes happening with this small business! There have been two major changes that have taken place this year so far. One of them being that I officially quit my part-time jobs and started working on Bolt full time, February 18th. That was a huge step for me and the business, and I was quite nervous, but Caleb was amazing and he really encouraged me to take this business head on and give it everything! Within a couple weeks I started seeing major positive changes happening just by being able to dedicate all my time to nurturing it!
Fast forward three months, and the second big change is that Caleb has now joined Bolt Boutique full time! I mean wow seriously. I am thanking God continuously in my prayers for this opportunity! For those of you that do not know, Caleb previously worked a job in online data analytics and marketing. It made a lot of sense looking at the future for Bolt that he come on the team and help grow the online side.
It is super nice getting to focus mostly on product, branding, and the face of the company, while Caleb works on the marketing and online side of the business. I am just so excited and hopeful for the future of Bolt, and I always want to keep you updated along the way!
Abby (& Caleb whoo!)

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