National Slavery and Human Trafficking Month
January is National Human Trafficking Prevention Month, and since we at Bolt donate monthly to Hope For Justice, we thought it would be good idea to shine some light on the cause!
The Facts
Whether we are aware of it or not, human trafficking is a massive issue globally. Worldwide, there are 40.3 million people enslaved in forced labor, sexual exploitation, domestic servitude, and forced marriage (Hope For Justice). Human Trafficking earns $150 billion for traffickers, and $99 billion of that comes from the sexual exploitation industry (dosomething). Not only does this industry make a ton of money, but it is one of the least prosecuted illegal industries globally. The United Nation refers to trafficking as the "the hidden figure or crime" because so many cases go undetected (dosomething).
Trafficking is not only a global issue. It effects us right here is the United States as well! Human trafficking was not illegal in the US until the year 2000 (which is crazy), and in 2018, the US, was ranked one of the worst places for trafficking (business insider).
Joining The Fight
The facts are staggering, and I could go through and list out hundreds more of terrible and heartbreaking statistics on this topic. This is the reason at Bolt we feel called to donate regularly to Hope For Justice, and to be a partner in this fight! Hope For Justice offers many free resources and trainings to help you learn the signs of trafficking and how to help in any situation. They are truly an incredible organization, and have saved hundreds of lives! Not only do they physically rescue individuals from slavery, but they are in the battle legally trying to change laws and legislation in this area. Check out their website (here) to learn more about human trafficking and how you can help!
For every purchase you make you are joining the fight with us. And we say thank you! Please take a moment to pray for our broken sinful world and the people who are being trafficked at this moment. Thank you!
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